
My name is Molly. Actually I am a pet groomer. During March 2020, I got Covid-19’s effect and had to close my grooming petshop according to the government policy. At that time I intended to sew face mask and I shopped some fabric to do. I found one problem between the seller and the buyer. The fabric shop did not have anyone to response online buyers. This brought me to do a new job as “Fabric carrying service” from the big fabric markets in Bangkok since April 2020 until now. I found that I do love this job. I have been carrying fabrics more than 1000 kg, more than 1000 printed fabrics and more than 50 fabric shops. If you can not find any printed fabrics, please do not hesitate to ask me. I am willing to find and service you.

I do believe that you will be happy to get my fabric.

Let’s enjoy shopping in my shop.
